UMN (Unknown Movie Night) is Arthur King’s recurring series of live, improvised film-scoring events where the selected film is unknown to both audience and band until it begins. Discern ing film selectors and a rotating cast of guest musicians join Arthur King in making each event unique, taking participants on a journey into the undiscovered.
The composition is both multitrack recorded and live mixed to cassette tape. The master cassette is instantly duplicated that night for attendees. The multitracks are later mixed for commercial Atmos and QUARK quadraphonic cassette release.
Arthur King is an experimental musical ensemble seeking to engage the tension between the known and unknown inherent in creative expression. As one of the many endeavors coming out of multimedia artist Peter Walker’s AK Studio, the group’s music is a study in uncertainty, fluid adaptation, and musical connectivity. The studio’s work encompasses experiments in film, audio recordings, installations, sculpture, photography, and more. The Los Angeles Times calls AK Studio's output “both familiar and otherworldly.”